July 22, 2010

Suzanne Pfutzenreuter

Today's Awesome Award goes to Suzanne Pfutzenreuter! This Jenson book is absolutely beautiful. You can check out more of here work on her Behance site. Oh and you should follow her too!

For more information and past winners check here.

July 20, 2010

The Shiny Squirrel

A few weeks ago I got an email from Jessica Goldfond from Shiny Squirrel inviting me to guest blog on her blog for "a few things I love" You can check out my entry here.

K is Killer

K is up at LetterCult :) Check it out!

July 15, 2010

Rebecca Schley

Okay so I am a firm believer in Community over Competition, design is waaaaaay to competitive and it hamstrings most designers into not sharing ideas and especially not helping one another out. That being said earlier and at complete random I came upon the following works and I think these are awesome. I have no idea who Rebecca Schley is but I figured why not make this a great starting point to help promote designers and creative who's work I find awesome even if I don't even know them. So congratulations Rebecca you win the first ever Awesome Award!*

Owl-Themed Baby Shower Invitation by Rebecca Schley.

*I'll award people and post them as I find them but to be fair I'll only make them people I don't already know.

July 14, 2010


An awesome web designer by the name of Amy Stoddard drafted me to dribbble last night. So awesome! You can find me here.

Marian Bantjes

She is as always inspirational and amazing. Thanks for the dedication and love Marian :)

July 08, 2010

J is for...

Bet you can't guess my inspiration...HAHA. Check out all the other cool J's over at LetterCult.