January 18, 2009


I am Graphic Design graduate student, but it helps to get out of the department. This quarter I'm over in the Illustration department burning one of my electives in a class entitled "Illustration Concepts & Compostions" (I already used 2 electives taking Type Design classes last year that resulted in me winning the Monotype Scholarship).

This first piece was an exercise in color interpreting as we choose the phrase "Fish on a Leash."
I'm big into penguins and decided for some reason to forego fish for whales. It turned into what I now call "Moby and Captain Ahabguin."

The next is my current work in progress for an illustration for a Guinness World Record. I originally began with the world's fastest speaker, since I wanted to do something difficult to illustrate and not something under "World's Biggest..." or "World's Smallest..." I fought with my originally idea up until a day ago and changed it to something I had spotted a week ago in the Guinness World Record book. The World's Deadliest Cheese.

It's called Casu Marzu, google it, it's pretty gross.